Beating two bulls, Caden Bunch wins PBR and climbs to victory in Milwaukee USA.

  • 13/03/2024
  • 0 Comentário(s)

Beating two bulls, Caden Bunch wins PBR and climbs to victory in Milwaukee USA.

Caden Bunch wins the Rodeo PBR stage in the United States and thus diversifies the list of winners of the PBR 2024 in Milwaukee, this past weekend.

A twenty-year-old rookie, who managed to beat two bulls, left the audience attentive to his name after this feat, and there was no other result.
 He had already won in Tukson, and began to stand out among the other riders this year.
And so Caden Bunch was on the list of winners with 175.75 points, second was Koltin Havalow with 88.75, and third was Dalton Kassel with 88.00 points.
and it is also worth remembering that the biggest lead within Deteano continues with Cassio Dias with 881.83 overall points.
Edition : Dionísio Dhandréa 


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